The Circular Economy Month in Canada campaign is structured into weekly themes to focus the discussion, promote achievements, and celebrate advancements in each area.
Each week in October centres around a different pillar of the circular economy that will educate and encourage sustainable action across Canada.

Circular economy is a new way of looking at how we use—and ultimately reuse—materials and resources. While the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) have become everyday terms and are the foundation to environmental education, moving to a circular economy shifts our focus to prioritize environmental protection from the start. Learn more about what the circular economy is during the first week of October!
Week 1: Introduction to Circular Economy
A circular economy benefits the environment – and by extension, humans and biodiversity – in several ways. Learn about how a circular economy lowers greenhouse gas emissions, conserves natural resources, expands the definition of the economy, and more.
Week 2: Environmental Benefits of Circular Economy
Can a circular economy save you money, create new jobs, benefit your mental health, and more? Yes, it can! During October 14-20, explore the social and economic benefits that come with circularity.
Week 3 – Social and Environmental Benefits of Circular Economy
Waste Reduction Week continues its legacy starting the third Monday of October each year since 2001! This week’s programming focuses on the recycling and waste reduction component of circular economy, looking at major waste streams: plastics, food waste, electronics, hazardous waste, textiles, construction waste and more.
Waste Reduction Week
During the final week of October we are celebrating all the events and actions that were taken throughout the month. Stay tuned for more information.