Register an Event
Organizing an event during Circular Economy Month is an excellent way to engage your community, workplace, or school in the circular economy. Ideas for events include:

- Repair workshops
- Swaps and curbside giveaway events
- Community cleanups
- Local landmark lightings
- Waste-free lunch challenges at home, work, or school
- Collection drives
- Documentary screenings
- Webinars
- Recycling centre tours
- Art installations
- Waste reduction challenges and contests
Circular Innovation Council helps promote Circular Economy Month events happening throughout October, so register your event today! Share your event and its impact on social media using the program hashtag #CircularEconomyMonth. NEW for 2024! Upon registering your event, you will receive access to the official Circular Economy Month event badge that can be used in your event marketing materials.
Please register your event using the form below. Have any questions? Send us an email