Take the Pledge this Circular Economy Month

red leaves with a background of a blue sky

Join thousands of Canadians in making a positive impact on our society and our planet.

Why Your Pledge Matters

A variety of people, including a teacher, doctor, children, professional, and young adult gathered together in the foreground. Wind turbines are featured in a faded background.

Together, we can achieve great things. Use the Pledge to make a promise to yourself to take action, no matter how big or small.

Join the Community – Share Your Pledge Online!

You’ve taken the pledge and followed through with action. Now, share your story through photos and videos online with the hashtag #CircularEconomyMonth on your favourite social platform and let’s cheer each other on! After submitting the pledge form you will receive access to pre-made graphics and suggested captions that you are free to use on your social media platforms.

Sample assets: